Karan Rain

Karan Rain

Karan and Nayan Raina opened their first restaurant in 1995. You could probably call them twins, for they shared similar liking towards a few things. Both brothers attained a degree in Hotel Management (catering nutrition) from a reputed Hotel Management School in New Delhi. After opening three restaurants, his love for music and the real estate business made Nayan move on with his passions. On the other hand, Karan became a Master Chef after graduating and opened Radhika in 2010 and Radha room ( a wine lounge) in 2011.

After meeting his wife and getting married, Karan and Candy Garcia Raina traveled to Mexico and other parts of South America to satisfy their culinary appetite. Subsequently, his love for food and cooking started growing as the years went by. In 2013, he started interacting with famous chefs from Los Angeles and began cooking at various food festivals. In the year 2014, Karan opened Aro Latin, a high-energy mixology bar cum restaurant. Not quite sure if Karan had anticipated the name and fame attached with his passion, but the same year, Aro Latin became the best midsize restaurant according to Los Angeles Times, and LA Roar about its modern take on Latin dishes.

As the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world in 2020, Karan started cooking vegan meals at Aro kitchen and came across the idea of opening a burger joint. This came to fruition in April 2021 as CowLess Burger was born in the Aro Ghost Kitchen (food service facilities that are only meant for delivery or carryout meals). CowLess is currently taking orders online. Order your vegan burger now!

Sridhar Sambangi

Sridhar Sambangi

To make a movie or a series usually requires as many people as a village. Likewise, opening a restaurant requires more than just chefs and ingredients. One such man behind the scenes is Sridhar Sambangi.

Sri has 23+ years of experience in building SAAS applications for various industries. In the last seven years, he has been working extensively in the hospitality group to build a White Label online ordering solution (Clorder Inc.) for the restaurant industry to build their brand and reach customers directly.

Recently, he was also recognized as a Google Elite Network Contributor with 120 million views. After this massive breakthrough, he is now building his food concepts in the hospitality industry.

During the years 2000-2011, Sri successfully completed the IPO (Initial Public Offering) journey from the early-stage startup phase to the public company at CSOD (Cornerstone OnDemand) (NASDAQ: CSOD).

He is currently collaborating with Karan Raina to bring Cowless to the reach of a larger audience and make it a very leafy experience!